September/22/2024 Sunday

As parents, we want the best for our kids. Upbringing the development of their emotional intelligence (EQ) is a critical component in doing this.

Emotional intelligence (EQ): Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, understand and utilize emotions in both oneself and others. It improves relationships, decision-making, stress management, and overall well-being. It also enhances communication, which leads to a better personal and professional success.

Self-Awareness: The ability to identify and comprehend your own feelings and how they affect your behaviour is known as self-awareness. It is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence, and it is crucial that kids learn it from a young age.

Why is Self-Awareness important for Children?

Being engaged in your child's screen time involves understanding their interests, discussing experiences, and sharing digital activities. This foster understanding, guides them towards positive content, models’ good digital habits, and strengthens your relationship with them. It promotes healthy screen time practices.

For children's emotional and social development, self-awareness is essential. Children who are aware of their emotions can:

- Recognize and express their feelings in a healthy way.

- Grow with compassion and understanding for other people.

- Make wiser judgements.

- Develop closer bonds with others.

- Control tension and anxiety.

We'll look at some doable tactics and exercises to support your child's growth in self-awareness.

How to help your Child develop Self-Awareness

1. Self-Aware yourself: Since kids pick up on what they observe, it's critical that you set an example of self-awareness for them. Talk to your child about your feelings and find a healthy method to express them.

2. Identify and acknowledge feelings: When your child shares a feeling, acknowledge and give them a term for it.

3. Learn emotional vocabulary: Teach your kids to identify and distinguish between a variety of emotions to help them build their emotional language.

4. Promote introspections: Ask open-ended questions like "How did that make you feel?" and "What do you think you could do differently next time?" to help your child learn self-reflection techniques.

5. Practice mindfulness: Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are examples of mindfulness exercises that can support your child's emotional control and growth in self-awareness.


Parents play a crucial role in their children's emotional and social development. By acknowledge above practices, you can help your child develop a strong emotional intelligence and overall, a better well-being.

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